Sunday, 31 January 2010


File this under "Best left to a restaurant"

More trouble than it's worth.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Smoked Salmon Pasta

1 Pack of Smoked Salmon. As much as you fancy.
1 small pot of single cream
1 medium onion
1 small gherkin (about 4 cm long) sliced finely
2 slices of picked green jalapenos, chopped finely
1 medium tomato chopped finely
A little rice or other white wine.
Mixed Herbs

Tagliatelle (5 nests, or personal preference)

Chop the onion finely, and fry up in a little oil until translucent. Add the tomato, jalapeno and gherkin. and fry for a few minutes. Add the wine, mix well and cook until the wine has reduced. Sprinkle dill over the pan, and add a little mixed herbs. Stir in the single cream. Turn the heat right down and simmer gently.

Prepare the pasta as per the pack.

After only a minute add the salmon (sliced roughly). Stir occasionally. Grate in a little Parmesan (about 3/4 cm off a block). Stir and cook until the pasta is done.

Once the pasta has cooked, mix in with the sauce and serve.

Serves 2.